Canadian Apartment Properties REIT offre des appartements spacieux et luxueux à louer dans Appartements Benny Crescent, à Montréal , QC. Explorez dès aujourd'hui!
Visitez notre site Web :
- Chauffage inclus
- Électricité incluse à 2460 Benny Crescent
- Réfrigérateur et cuisinière inclus
- Balcons
- Buanderie
- Piscine extérieure
- Salle de sport (accès à Place Cavendish)
- Terrasse arrière
- Ascenseur
- Dépanneur à proximité
- Parking souterrain
- Surveillant sur place (absent 24/7)
- Casier de rangement (sous réserve de disponibilité)
- Entrées sans barrières
- Jardins aménagés
- Caméras de sécurité
Inclus dans le loyer
Heat Included, Storage*
Joindre le gestionnaire d'immeuble : (514) 357-1766
Canadian Apartment Properties REIT offers spacious and luxury apartments for rent at Benny Crescent Apartments located in Montreal, QC. Explore Today!
Visit our Website:
- Heat included
- Hydro included at 2460 Benny Crescent
- Fridge and stove included
- Balconies
- Laundry room
- Outdoor pool
- Gym (access to Place Cavendish)
- Backyard terrace
- Elevator
- Nearby convenience store
- Underground parking
- Superintendent on site (PIC not on site 24/7)
- Storage locker (subject to availability)
- Barrier free entrances
- Landscaped grounds
- Security cameras
What's included in your rent
Heat Included, Storage*
Have Questions? Contact the Property Manager: (514) 357-1766