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Georgian Manor | 450 28th St. W., Owen Sound

Owen Sound | Grey


  • Chauffage


  • FREE second month's rent when you sign a 13-month lease*
  • *Conditions apply, inquire for details

When you live at Georgian Manor, the possibilities are endless! It's Tuesday afternoon. What are you going to do first: saunter down to beautiful Georgian Bay, located just a short walk away from your comfortable apartment? Or will you hop on the bus for the short ride to vibrant downtown Owen Sound, where you can explore the city's many galleries, museums, and independent shops? 


Open House
  • 11:00 am - 3:00 pm

Contacter le propriétaire

Pour avoir tous les détails concernant le logement ainsi que les coordonnées du propriétaire, vous devez aller sur l’annonce d’origine de l’appartement.

Voir l'annonce Source: RentBoard
450 28th St. W., Owen Sound, Owen Sound, Grey, N4K 6H6