Community Amenities
- Covered parking
- Underground parking
- Visitor parking
- Outdoor parking
- Elevators
- On-site staff
- Outdoor pool
- Social room
- Sauna
- Fitness room
- Storage lockers
- Bicycle room
- Wheelchair Access
- Exercise room
- Hot tub
- Security onsite
- Public transit
- Shopping nearby
- Parks nearby
- No Smoking allowed
- Pet-friendly
- Secured entry
- Smoke-free community
- Billiards lounge
- Movie theatre
- Social Room
- Library
- Secured bike storage
- Pool Access
- EV Charging available
Suite Amenities
- Fridge
- Stove
- Washer in suite
- Dishwasher available
- Balconies
- Individual thermostats
- Dryer in suite
- Cable ready
- Microwave
- Central air conditioning
- Internet ready
- Heat included
Utilities Included
The Onyx defines the urban lifestyle with it's intimate array of layouts from one bedrooms to two bedrooms plus dens.