Grab this beautiful Wîhkwêntowîn corner suite today. Along north bank of river valley. Value priced including heat, water, electricity and underground heated parking stall - no extra up charges. Top Of The Valley is renovated throughout: new fitness room AND equipment, new sauna, new social room, bright and light laundry areas, new elevators, renovated hallways and river valley views that help you relax and enjoy your home. There are parkade renovations underway now. In the heart of all the Wîhkwêntowîn (formerly Oliver) action. This era of property means bang for buck on square footage. A truly spacious one bedroom. Suite 1201 is located on the Northwest Corner of the East tower at Top Of The Valley. Windows to the west, south & north. Your balcony has a view to the south over Victoria Park Golf & Cricket Club - a public course in summer, cross country ski and skatepark in winter. Having the west tower beside blocks the late day sun keeping the suite cooler on long sunny afternoons. Safeway is right across the street. Every service you can imagine walking distance. Call today
For the details on the accommodation as well as the contact details of the owner, you must go to the original ad of the apartment.